Edstrandska Stiftelsens Stipendiater
Galleri KHM2, 2021
At the Edstrandska Scholarship exhibition, I showed the paintings Biljetten and Spiggans Plats, which depicted two construction sites with the same names, as well as consisting of pigments extracted from them. Next to them hung two paintings which were created during the course of the other work.
Excerpt from my MFA essay:
I pass by the construction site known as Biljetten in the Sorgenfri district of Malmö a few days after they've moved all the containers and fencing off the site. What's left is a flat gravel area, framed in by pavements and streets in the middle of what is to be a new neighbourhood. The name of the site (meaning “The Ticket”) offers clues to its former use as a parking place for buses, and some physical traces reveal how the site was used before and after that: a reddish brown gravel surface outlines the shape of the containers that once stood there. A wide, greenish- grey gravel path links together Road A and Road B, and a much narrower desire path has been trampled through the part of the site overgrown with grass. In places there are piles of abandoned gravel, earth and crushed gypsum board. Biljetten is a site that has been shaped by industry and human activity, and on this particular day, I see it as a picture surface, as a gigantic abstract composition. It is a mix of organic forms and straight lines, and no two colours are alike. The infinite potential of the ground washes over me. So I bring some bags with me, along with crates and a spade, and I start to dig. Each type of soil is collected in a separate bag, marked up and then transported to my studio.